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1 = Auditive (otic) vesicle, 2 = Myelencephalon, 3 = Metencephalon, 4 = Amnion, 5 = Mesencephalon, 6 = Optic vesicle + lens, 7 = Diencephalon, 8 = Epiphyse, 9 = Telencephalon, 10 = Branchial arches, 11 = Heart, 12 = Forelimb (wing) bud, 13 = Vitelline arteria/vein, 14 = Hindlimb (leg) bud, 15 = Tail Information: The development of the brain is shown at higher magnification. The depression at the ventral side of the diencephalon develops in to the hypophysis ( hypo= under; not visible in this fig.). The dorsal projection of the dieencephalon is also visible and will differentiate in to the epiphysis (epi= at the upper side). The eye vesicles differentiate as two lateral projections of the diencephalon and come in contact with the external layer (ectoderm) to form the optic cup (neurectoderm) and the lens (ectoderm). The further development of the five brain vesicles (telencephalon, diencephalon, metencephalon, mesencephalon and myencephalon) in to the different head structures is clearly visible.
To find more books about biologia delle piante raven pdf download, you can use related keywords: Biologia Delle Piante Raven Zanichelli Torrent, Struttura Delle. Smith – Biologia delle piante. Questo sito contiene le risorse per il docente collegati a BIOLOGIA DELLE PIANTE di. Guida all'anatomia microscopica delle piante vascolari - Zanichelli, Bologna. Gratis style dangdut yamaha psr 7500 price. Rascio N., 2003 - Biologia Vegetale - Zanichelli Raven P.H., Evert R.F., Eichorn S.E., 2002 - Biologia delle piante. Program of Agricultural Botany (pdf version).