Bingkai undangan cdr. Pic16f690 Serial Communication C Code For Loop. Intended for an engineer who is new to Microchip products, this self-paced, online class provides an introduction to. Jul 18, 2016.
16F690 serial communication tutorial Hello, I am complete newb, so please bear with me. I have purchased the PICDEM Lab Development Kit and trying to learn to program micros. I have gone through the blinking light tutorials, and while all of that went pretty well I really want to learn to communicate with the pc. I would think this would be pretty easy, but I am having a hard time finding examples or tutorials. I am using the 16F690 chip, and I also have a max232. I think I have it all wired up correctly, but I can not figure out even where to begin on programming the chip.
I have seen other examples using other chips, but I do not really know enough yet to know what (if anything) I need to change to make the code work for the 690. Edit: To clarify I am looking to simply send a string to the pc and view it on hyperterminal.
Any help would be much appreciated. Leon_heller The data sheet for the 16F690 has everything that you need, just follow the steps on page 154. This suggestion is not that helpful for someone new using PICs, the IDE and the HI-TECH C compiler. The PIC16F690 has one or two quirks that are only hinted about in the EUSART section. One is that RX input is shared with AN11. If you don't set ANSELH bit 3 to zero the receiver never works. Questions on setting up the PIC16F690 UART has been ask frequently for last few weeks.
Perhaps this should ge added to the FAQ thread.
In the last few years, D.I.Y. Electronics has taken a major leap forward with the introduction of powerful yet low-cost, easy-to-program microcontrollers. In this case I'll be talking about 8-bit micros, since those are so popular. These chips cost a couple dollars, around $5, can be programmed with a PC and a cheap programmer (usually on the order of $30).
They often have a few K of program ROM, around 1/2K of RAM and some EEPROM. Theres some 'peripherals' such as built in PWM, timers, A/D converters, etc. Right now there are two major 'houses' of microcontrollers: the family and the family. I have no idea what PIC or AVR stand for (wikipedia sez: 'Peripheral Interface Controller' and 'Advanced Virtual RISC' respectively) There's also the which I've heard good things about from friends who have done development on it, but not enough to put it in here, and the Silabs micros which are awesome but not really for the amateur market.
I am not really an expert here, so please help me fill in this page with more useful info, post it in! Pierce county relicensing program wa state. And make the topic something like 'PIC v. Please keep in mind that this page was originally written in 2004.Thanks! Price is a tough one to compare because sometimes one chip will have more peripherals or RAM. So I'll compare three chip-sets, an 8-pin chip, a ~20-pin chip and a 40-pin chip. They're also comparable in 'power,' but you'll have to trust me on that.