If you need enterprise-level web hosting control, then Plesk Onyx has to be near to the top of your list. It’s certainly near the top of everyone else’s, thanks to its straightforward tolls for managing websites and servers. It’s a versatile beast too, as it works on both Linux and Windows operating systems.
PHP & Linux Projects for €8 - €30. Salve a tutti, mi servirebbe qualcuno che fosse in grado di installare su piu macchine whm/cpanel Nulled. ( ultima versione.
You get a web server suite, mail server, ftp server, dns management tools and 100+ extensions that you can use in order to improve performance of your server. You’ll need to buy a license to get the most out of the platform, but Plesk offers a trial license so you can take it for a test drive and see if it does everything that you hoped for. Install Plesk on CentOS server So, how do you actually install Plesk? Let’s take a step-by-step look at installation on a CentOS server. First you need to uninstall existing software.
The first thing we need to do is uninstall any existing instances of Apache, MySQL, Cyrus, SELinux, and PHP. To do this, open the terminal and enter these commands: yum remove http* yum remove php* yum remove cyrus* yum remove mysql* This one disables SELinux: setenforce 0 Done that? Great, now we’re ready to install Plesk Onyx. There are three different ways on how to do this quickly.
Install Plesk using browser Just in case your host or IP address is resolvable and the port 8447 is open, you have an opportunity to launch Plesk Onyx installer via browser. • Download installer: wget • Add permissions for execution to downloaded Plesk installer: chmod +x plesk-installer • Initiate Plesk installer with the command below:./plesk-installer --web-interface • Access Plesk installer via browser under port 8447 using IP address or host • Access the web interface, use “root” user and password • Select and click “Install or upgrade product” • Choose latest stable version of the product and press “Continue” • Select one of the installation types, which will identify the packages list. Or you may just enable “Preview components selection” and choose all the components you like.
Click “Continue” to proceed with installation. • You will see the console output inside the web interface. Autodesk 3ds max design 2015 x64 rusifikator.
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Wait until installation process is over. Plesk Onyx 17.8 initial configuration after installation on Linux As soon as Plesk installation is over, it is necessary to make tiny post-install configuration. You need to open in your browser the following url – or Access system using “root” username and its password. • Enter contact information ( name and e-mail ) of the administrator • Change administrator’s account password. Next time you log into the system please use “admin” username and your new password • Select full trial or paid license. In case you’ve already purchased paid license – please paste an activation code.
In opposite case you may still purchase it or use temporary trial license for one of the following editions – Web Pro, Web Host or Web Admin • Accept end user agreement and enjoy the power of Plesk Onyx!
Plesk Database Documentation The Plesk control panel contains an extensive database that is not well documented. The purpose of this site is to enumerate, describe, and link the Plesk database schema in such a way that it is easily understood. In addition, you will soon find MySQL queries that can be used to query the Plesk database for specific data. This data can help with troubleshooting server issues, or it can give you more detailed reports than the Plesk interface can provide. Here are the available Plesk database articles, organized by tables.