Hello, I'm having a weird problem. Well, I'm trying to add a GUI theme for my Windows Forms Application. It is one of the SkinCrafter theme. I have Visual Studio 2012 64-bit, so I'm trying to add the x64.dll I have successfully added the reference, the skincrafter_.net4.5_vs2012_x64.dll. I cannot add it to my toolbox though(Choose items and then the.dll), which then I would be able to theme my Form. I get an error.
Where can I download skincrafter.dll? If you're getting missing skincrafter.dll file errors or other errors with the skincrafter.dll file we suggest that you re-install the program, uninstall and re-install a more up-to-date version, or check to see if any updates are available for the program associated with the file instead of attempting to. Download SkinCrafter.NET free from SoftSpecialist. Components-Libraries DLL best user rated software Similar software download free at SoftSpecialist.
I have tried adding the skincrafter_.net4.5_vs2012_x64.dll from folders 'SkinCrafterDLL' & 'SkinCrafterDotNet', both won't work. Also, the Developer mentions the C++ skin integration, if I need to add this code before adding it to toolbox, how would I got about it? Can anyone guide me? I really need this. Thanks you for your time. Sorry, this code is for MFC. Hi D3crypt3r, Everyone would like to offer his assist if he knows the solution to your problem.They will come here to give you help if they have solved something urgent in hand,and I am just lucky enough to be the first one.
First, the error indicates that ‘ skincrafter_.net4.5_vs2012_x64.dll’ is not valid. So please verify if this DLL is a valid.NET assembly. You can try to use some third party tools such as.NET Reflector to open it for verification. Second, your sample code for C++ skin integration is COM-based. If you would like use it in your managed C++ project, please wrap up it into a COM and then call it via COM Interop mechanism. Here are some references for your further check. Best Regards.
Jane Wang MSDN Community Support Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. Hi, The SkinCrafter developer says that it is working fine with the Visual Studio 2012,while perhaps they have not mentioned that VS 2012 would accept it thoroughly yet. Drop patch l2 interlude interface definition dictionary.
If you want to add a GUI theme which is one of the SkinCrafter theme to your Windows Forms Application,then you can try to use the Windows Forms Toolbox Control template to create Windows Forms controls that are automatically added to the Toolbox when the extension is installed. For more information,please refer to Best Regards.
Jane Wang MSDN Community Support Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. Hi D3crypt3r, You haven't been here for several days,I wish everything goes well with you. Have you tried the solution proposed here and solved your problem? Vikrojka russkogo narodnogo kartuza. I will monitor this thread for another two days,however,for better managing the forum,I have to mark one reply as the answer two days later and if you think the answer marked doesn't help,please feel free to unmark it.
If you sitll have questions unresolved,please consider posting another thread on the related forum. Best Regards. Jane Wang MSDN Community Support Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. Hello, As for the product you mentioned here,because I have never used it before,I think you can test what you have asked in your computer to see if it works. If you think the suggestions proposed above are helpful,please mark it as an answer,and we can close this case successfully.
If you have other questions,please post them on the related forums to seek further solution. Best Regards. Jane Wang MSDN Community Support Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.