Saint seiya knights of the zodiac english dub. Confused about which lamps you need? You just bought a used tanning bed or have an older tanning bed and you need new lamps, but you have no idea what kind of lamps you need. Read on, as our resident nerd will explain what you need to know to figure this out, in plain talk. The page looks long, but it will skip you to the right sections that apply to you. Relax, you are in good hands.
As the largest seller of tanning lamps, we hear this every day, but fortunately, it is pretty easy to figure out what you need using this guide. You need to be near your tanning bed for this page to be helpful. If you are not near your tanning bed, write down our domain name (TanningBeds4Less) and come back when you are. We do this all day long for customers, so trust the process and read on, all your questions will be answered in 1-2 minutes.
Have a pen and paper handy, so you can write down the size you need. Do you have face tanning? There are a couple different types of face tanning, so look below. If you don't have any type of face tanning (most tanning beds),. Otherwise, read about each below.
I have a suntana wolffsystem model sw-24 tanning bed, i need the electrical info on this can you help, i have a 60 amp breaker installed and when i turn it on it trips the breaker after a short time. Suntana passport 16 manual. Click here to get file. 243 suntana 16 bulb tanning bed. All our following bed sunquest, sunvision, sunstar, starpower 548,.
Turbo Facial This system is fairly rare, but a few models have these turbo lamps. If you are using the system in the home, our suggestion is to remove the small turbo lamps and don't replace them.
Video konkurs nudistok. (Really) Instead look at one of the special Face Tanning Kits for your bed. These small lamps are expensive and put out too little UV to justify their cost.
Removing them from service is perfectly safe to do. You can buy replacements if you just have to have them, but be forewarned that they tend to cost $20 each, which is about twice the cost of one of our basic lamps. You can get more power for less money with the other kits.
If you bed has Turbo Facials, then the long lamps are surely F71 sized. Write this down. High Pressure Facial This is very common type of face tanning that uses a 400 watt bulb that is a few inches long (shown above), behind a (usually) purple filter glass. Never use them if the glass is missing or cracked, this would be dangerous. The replacement cost for the bulb itself is around $20. Some beds have more than one of these.
Most beds that use this facial have F71 sized lamps for the long lamps, and the lamps in front of the face bulb may be F59 (shorter), or they may have shifted the lamps down and used F71 lamp all around. You have to look at the lamps, and count the number of short/long lamps to be sure. I cover this below. Dual Zone Facial This is actually just a F71 lamp that has been specially treated to produce two different UV spectrums. All the magic happens inside the lamp, not outside. When the lamps are on, they look like the image above, although your bed might have fewer/more of the face bulbs.